What is Sustainable Wellness?
Welcome to my Substack profile for the Sustainable Wellness Collective. I'm so glad you're here!
You may be wondering what exactly is Sustainable Wellness and what can it do for you. Simply put, Sustainable Wellness is about finding the unique combination of self-care techniques that work for your unique self! And in order to maintain a longstanding practice that supports your wellbeing in these modern times, your self-care practice needs to be sustainable, simple and convenient.
When I first started my healing journey, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the innumerable healing practices that were out there, but I also found each technique incredibly fascinating and every time I’d learn a new practice, I was amazed that these were not being talked about in our every day lives. It felt like I had stumbled upon a big secret world that was guiding me through this process of healing and growth and I wanted to share it with everyone I knew.
My hope in creating the Sustainable Wellness Collective is to share the many healing modalities and spiritual philosophies around self-healing that are available to us at any time throughout our lives. To help you to create a simple, sustainable and unique self-care routine and spiritual practice that supports your specific needs in your current phase of life and how to shift those practices accordingly when life throws you a curve ball.
Here are just a few of the healing modalities we’ll be diving into in the collective.
Tai Chi
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Palm reading
The list goes on and on. Within each of these ancient healing modalities is an entire universe of knowledge that helps us live our best life in these modern times.
I am so glad to have you on this journey with me. Sharing ideas, healing ourselves, showing love and gratitude for the ways that the universe shows up for us everyday. Doing this work together is raising the vibration in our families, our communities and beyond. It is truly an honor to be part of this human experience with you. Many blessings. Until next time…
Yay so glad you’re here!❤️❤️❤️